Advice From Survivors
In the aftermath of a traumatic event, it can be difficult just making it through the day. Here is some advice from survivors for survivors to make your recovery a little bit easier.
- It is natural to want to isolate yourself after an experience like sexual assault. Though it’s not easy, try to cling to your support network. Ask your friends to accompany you to the gym, dining hall, or walk you to your classes. You are not burdening anyone by asking for support.
- You don’t have to report your assault if you don’t want to. Survivors often face pressure from their community to report their experience so that it doesn’t happen again. If you are not comfortable with reporting, then do not feel responsible to do so. It is your decision and only your decision.
- Take advantage of your school’s academic accommodations. College is a difficult environment regardless of survivorship. Let your dean know what happened so your professors can provide you with any academic accommodations you may need.
- On a college campus, it can be difficult to avoid your assailant. For some survivors that can lead to staying in their room to prevent any run-ins. On days where you don’t want to leave your room, prepare by having food on hand like protein bars or mac n’ cheese. Just make sure you eat.
- Anger is natural. Find ways to release it like crushing ice, screaming outdoors, running, boxing..etc. Figure out what works for you.
- Blasting music can help with panic attacks. It gives you something to focus on an can drown out the noises in your head.
- Healing isn’t linear. It’s natural to relapse. Forgive yourself if you do. It’s okay, just get back up again.
Mental Health Resources
For some survivors, the pain of sexual violence is not immediate. It can come in the form of a mental battle that follows in the days, weeks, or months after the event. Whatever you are facing, Project Artemisia is here to support you. Your experience, your struggles, your emotions are valid. We believe you. To survive is one of the hardest things you will ever have to do, but there is power in living. Please use these resources as you see fit.
Survivor Services
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
- National Domestic Abuse Hotline: 800-799-7233
- National Suicide Hotline: 988
- Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
- Anti-sexual violence organization
- Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect (PCAR)
- Provides communities in Pennsylvania with access to victim services
- Planned Parenthood SEPA
- Provides healthcare in the Southeastern Pennsylvania area
- Delaware County Victims Assistance Center (DCVAC)
- Provides victims services for those in Delaware County
- DCVAC 24 Hour Hotline: 610-566-4342